Saturday 3 April 2010

I just arrived in Vienna

I'm here,I just arrived at 13:10 AM(Austria time).It is nice.I cannot wait to see what's at Toys R us.I want to buy a Yu-gi-oh Duel disk or a card album,a Wii or a PS3 or some wrestling figures.I will post anything that happens on Club Penguin.Did you know that Herbert appeared in the newspaper?The taller penguinin a Yeti costume.You can see his fur throught the costume's eye hole.He asks about warm places in Club Penguin.I guess this is a hint to the new mission.OK,stay tuned.

-Razvi 1


  1. Hey! AWESOME website you have! I would like it if you would visit my club penguin cheats site at
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  2. hey dudes thhis is so cool i mean herbert in news paper as yeti? this is pretty wired but aniways i love your bolg i got it in favourites
