Friday, 18 December 2009

Christmas party cheats n' stuff

Check the old santa hat,is the free item every year,but don't worry there will be other presents too,like in 2007 when the CHristmas scarf appeared later,also "the bubble chat glitch" is there again:

The EPF Command Room is decorated too,as well the secret agency:

Don't forget to check the BIIIGG Chirstmas tree at Forest,YOU CAN ENTER THE BIG TOY CAR:

Don't forget to check the big MEMBERS-ONLY sleigh:

Click the button to start flying the sleigh and throw presents in chimneys:

After you thorn 15 presents you will be rewarded with a santa suit:

Here is how to fin the new pin:
1.Go to Ski village
2.Go to ski lodge
3.Go to Lodge Attic
4.Click on the snowman:

Now you have the newest pin,the snowman pin

That is all,

Razvi 1,Club Penguin Cheats,codes,glitches site president

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Bubble chat glitch

Hey,i've been to a mall party at a penguin named Sam Dovey and there was a bubble chat there that stayed forever which said:
"mall at my iggy on the map"here is a photo:
border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5416164437820026114" />

UPDATE:Wow it is because Sam Dovey said the same thing in the exactly same place but in Town

Old review,Cena12121's summer party

I remember the good times,i've been at Cena's party this summer,2009.His igloo was full in 36 seconds.i've appeared in the video too.Here are some pictures I took:

Razvi 1,Club Penguin Cheats,codes,glitches site president

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Photos of my 1 week holiday in Vienna

I forgot to mention that I was gone for a week that's why I didn't updated the blog form 3 November.Here are some of my photos

Monday, 14 December 2009

Christmas coming soon

We don't know what will be at the Christmas party,but one thing we know,that we will have Santa photos members will probably deliver present from the big sleigh,have fun,find Rockhopper,and living the spirit of the CHristmas

Marry Chirstmas and a happy new year!

Merry Christmas

We know that is the season of jolly.So ClubPenguinrazvicheats wants to tell you:

The Grand re-opening

Yes I opened the site again,not much of a break,tell all you friends that Razvi 1 is back on.I copied the posts from my brother,Nody 99,I'm ready to get back,I put the site back on it's feet,and it is bigger and better that last time,I SWEAR THAT I WON'T CLOSE IT AGAIN.SO,don't forget that we are a site again.

New Dec-Jan furniture catalog cheats!

Razvi 1,Club Penguin Cheats,codes,glitches site president

Rockhopper is back here

So Rockhopper is back,he has brought us a new background,also he has decorated his game in his quarters with snow,don't forget to check the Crow's Nest and the notice board

Razvi 1,Club Penguin Cheats,codes,glitches site president

Christmas gift postcard

Check out the newest thing up.If you sent the first seasonal postcard,the person you sent to will get a candy-cane hat

Razvi 1,Club Penguin Cheats,codes,glitches site president

New December catalog cheats!

Rockhopper is coming!

Razvi 1,Club Penguin Cheats,codes,glitches site president

New backgrounds

New pin,bell pin

Here is how to find the new pin:
1.Go to Forest
2.Click on the pin

Now you have the newest pin,the bell pin

New pin,bell pin

Coins for change coming

You decide! New design

OK,all of them look cool.Icannot chose one.I will give you an image to see and decide which is the best.

Hey isn't that,Dot the Disguse Gal from the Nintendo Ds game?

Razvi 1,Club Penguin Cheats,codes,glitches site president

The Great snow Maze

It is cool but first we will start with the non member ting:
1.Go to ski hill
2.Click on the blue pompom toque box:

You must enter the MAze from the ski village.After you finished the Maze you will get a Yeti costume:

Razvi 1,Club Penguin Cheats,codes,glitches site president

Card-jitsu fire has been launched

Those are the things,it is nice?,I don't have to know because i'm not member,i sneaked in

Razvi 1,Club Penguin Cheats,codes,glitches site president

Card-Jitsu Fire Coming Soon!

The construction Card-Jitsu Fire coming soon on 24 November!
Head to the Dojo to train
After you earn your belts and beat Sensei, he'll give you your Ninja Mask
Thanks Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!
Here is the video!

Visit my site EveryDay!